Becoming Our Best


As many of you know, I am a meeting facilitator. You may not know that I used to hate meetings. Probably for the same reasons you might dislike them: Bad timing, disorganized, conflict-ridden, running overtime, getting nothing accomplished. The list could go on and on. Then I learned that a good meeting could be a vehicle for getting things done and building stronger team relationships. So how could we have these helpful meetings instead of the other negative ones? Here are some thoughts:

• Try to limit the meeting to an hour or less. More frequent meetings will usually get better results than "marathon" meetings.

• Develop an agenda stating the five W's: Why are we having it, when it will happen, who is to attend, where will it be and what are we going to develop as an end product.

• As part of each agenda item, state the amount of time allotted for it, the person responsible and whether the item is for information, discussion and development, or for action.

• Have a person responsible for keeping the meeting focused on the agenda items, keeping within the time allotted and writing up results.

• Circulate the agenda a few days in advance so people can prepare.

• Write up the results of the meeting and get it out to the participants.

• Have some fun at the meetings. Laughter is good medicine.

Experiment with ways to enjoy yourselves while getting things done at meetings. It may take a little creativity, but escaping from the trap of deadly serious meetings will help everyone want to participate. And you team leaders, please remember to hold back a little in meetings and listen more. You'll be surprised at the good ideas your group develops.

Author: Bruce Johnsen Management Consultant:
824 Munras Ave Suite G
Monterey, CA 93940

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